2:22 PM Tuesday, <July 15>, <2008>
Picked up some more paint on the way home from work. Used the little folding baskets on the bike. I really need to get some sort of strap system, not bungie cords, because those are unsafe. Dropped that off at the new place, then had to lug the 6 new folding deck chairs from the vestibule up into our unit. That was fun. Then headed back to the old place for dinner, then back to the new place to paint the accent wall in the bedroom. Also brought laundry over, so I got to do our first load of laundry. Which was awesome. Took me a while to get the TV back on the wall in the master bedroom. Thinking of maybe just using the Apple TV as a video source in there until wireless HDMI comes of age, or I figure out how I want to get the place rewired. Works pretty well. Need to get an DVI-HDMI cable to try and plug the Mac mini into the other TV. Also moving phone service over to the new place. Next up: cable/internet.