12:38 PM Thursday, <March 20>, <2008>
Dinner was good last night, and I still can cook. Mushroom stuffed chicken breasts are one of my few, if not only dish, I can cook without a recipe. Only got to watch How I Met Your Mother with dinner. Otherwise, spent some time adding information to the Alias, Firefly, and The Unit episodes I have in iTunes. Doing that made me realize that I'm missing the first episode of Firefly and one episode of Alias Season 3. I think in my script I'm not correctly checking minimum run time of DVD chapters when checking which ones to transcode. Ideally, you only want the episodes to transcode, not any featurettes which are usually much shorter than episodes. But I probably don't handle episodes over an hour well. Hmm, I'll have to look into that. I'm also having issues with NewsRadio, as some episodes are ballooning in size, and Handbrake seems to crash more than usual. So I may end up just doing those manually. I did get to ride in to work this morning with Tracy, and we got to have lunch together at One North Kitchen and Bar.