3:59 PM Wednesday, <March 19>, <2008>
Pretty quiet and standard evening last night. Watched Jamie at Home and New Amsterdam. Tracy made a pork stir fry for dinner. She studied some more, I working on more transcoding, now doing season 3 of NewsRadio for Tracy. Finished up Firefly, and started adding them to iTunes. I did end up using more gift certificates at the iTunes Store for Mad Men and It Happened One Night/It Never Happened At All by John Wesley Harding. Did some dishes. That's about it. Might have some movement on the real estate front, just need some more discussion. I do get to make dinner tonight though, since Tracy needs to study more for the Indiana Boards which she's taking tomorrow. I'm going for an old standby, mushroom stuffed chicken breasts, roasted tomatoes, maybe some green beans for a veggie. So that's exciting. Also since Tracy's studying, that means no TV tonight. Also realized that we need more light in our dining room/living room.