2:13 PM Tuesday, <March 20>, <2007>
Yay. Apple TV is shipping. I got my notice. Should get delivered by Friday. Sweet. Which means I get to watch Veronica Mars and Studio 60 on the big screen. Awesome. And we soon get to find out what it'll take to transcode DVDs for use with the Apple TV, which means I might finally find a use for all the hard drive space I have. Think about it, Varsity Blues on demand, Serendipity whenever I feel like it, all 5 seasons of 24 back to back to back to back and so on without ever having to wait for disc changes. Awesome. Anyway, Tracy and I went and saw I Think I Love My Wife. All I knew about it going in was that Chris Rock was in it, and the co-captain from Serenity was in it. That's it. Who knew it was about a married couple, the tribulations of getting bored, and a hussy. Not bad, but I didn't know it was written and directed by Chris Rock too. Definitely felt like a platform for him. And Steven A. Smith has a part. That's funny. I also got to finally eat some Dippin' Dots, which I've been craving ever since Great Wolf. The Banana Split's so good, which I settled for because the Cookie Dough was out. After the movie we finally went through the response cards we've received so far. No surprise, beef is the clear winner, but fish is ahead of chicken for second place.