1:17 PM Monday, <March 20>, <2006>
Not a bad weekend all around. Party Friday night was pretty quiet. Didn't stay very long. A little too tired. Saturday, after a healthy night's rest, got up and went running before breakfast of hash browns, bacon, and eggs. Then Tracy and I headed out to Woodfield where we ran into Mina and Carl. Hung out with them for a bit, got a Cinnabon. Then we made our way over to Medieval Times. Got there early enough, got some beers in collectible mugs, enjoyed some of the festivities. Got to cheer the Green Knight to the semis of the tournament before he perished. Good times. I actually thought I might have lost my voice from cheering and jeering so much. Sunday another run in the morning before breakfast of an oven baked pancake and sausage. Then I finally set up my shelves for the closet in the data center and started organizing some stuff. And boy, do I have a lot of stuff. Dinner was Korean food, since Tracy had gone to Chicago Food Corp on Friday before coming over. Watched a bit of TV, including Walking Tall, which wasn't too shabby.