1:30 PM Friday, <March 14>, <2008>
Finished up Children of Men last night, as expected. Also, transcoding of Alias finished up, and I started on The Unit. I might do some for Tracy next, maybe some Arrested Development, or some Sex and the City. Or I'll just whip through Firefly and Serenity. Either way, lots to do, and definitely might run out of disk space. All 5 seasons of Alias take up roughly 75 GB of space. That's 4 seasons of 22 episodes, and 1 season of 17, for a grand total of 105 episodes, roughly 42 minutes each, roughly 73.5 hours worth of video. Wow. Had some leftovers and some frozen pizza for dinner last night. Headed out to the Argao's tonight on the Metra, Gabe and Sania have their baby shower tomorrow. Oh, and looks like we might be putting in another offer on 907 W. Roscoe, with the seller coming down a bit, and paying some closing costs to help shorten the distance between our max buying price and the sellers min selling price. We'll see what happens there.