1:47 PM Wednesday, <March 14>, <2007>
Seriously, the Sports Gal should have her own website. And I want her and Sarah to hang out. Because I think they could totally be friends. That and Sarah needs to write more, Russell needs to as well. Hope Kevin keeps it up. I do like reading blogs so much more when it's actually people I know. But they never keep writing. Anyway, I actually did what I wrote I said I'd do last night. So that's good to see. Taking the train out to see Tracy tonight, and pick up Puck. Finally resized my Windows XP drive on Parallels, which allowed me to install drivers for the iSight which means I can use it in Windows, but that actually doesn't get me anything. Did some more backups last night as well. Chicago weather continues to be Chicago weather, with record breaking high temps yesterday and a 30-40 degree drop between then and tomorrow. Awesome. I figure there's another snow in store before the 2 weeks of spring. 59 days or so.