3:48 PM Thursday, <March 13>, <2008>
Tracy's old coworkers are in town, so I'm on my own for dinner tonight. Not sure what I'm in the mood for, but we'll see. Something unhealthy, I'm sure. Last night did some exercises as did Tracy, started watching Children of Men, which I'll finish up tonight, and then she made dinner, a chicken and sweet potato gnocchi in a butternut squash sauce. We ended up watching New Amsterdam. And then a pretty early bedtime. I did flip through some show on hot dogs, which of course meant I had to get some for lunch today, which I did. Yum. Also, some movement on the real estate front, as we might start up negotiations for 907 W. Roscoe again. Something Tracy and I need to talk about. What else, weather's taken a turn for the better, and I'm sure that it'll end up snowing once more before spring sprints by and leaves us in summer. It's right around the corner. And that means I should start biking again. And actually the thought crossed my mind to go out for a run. Outside. Oh, and seeing the trailers for Speed Racer? I want to see that movie. Looks like a visual feast.