1:33 PM Tuesday, <October 2>, <2007>
Dropped by SportMart on the way home from work yesterday, looking for another UnderArmour ShooterSleeve to create a matching set so I have something to use while biking. Or I could get some other sort of arm socks. Or start wearing long sleeve shirts, or a jacket. You know, all of those would probably work. Anyway, didn't find anything. Got home, Tracy was making a chicken marsala (sans marsala) for dinner with the hen of the woods mushrooms from the Green City Market. A little too woodsy for our tastes. But it was worth a try. Watched Chuck (tv show). Eh. Watched Burn Notice Season Finale, since a bunch of things on the DVR had the hourglass (soon to be deleted) icon next to them. Made me go out and get a HDHomeRun, so I can record everything and not really worry about space too much. Hopefully. I image I won't actually run out of space for the season. Also, found out that Tracy hasn't seen Fight Club yet, so I might make her watch that tonight. Not sure what to transcode next for the Apple TV. Maybe some movies.