9:36 AM Thursday, <October 2>, <2008>
Didn't get EyeTV and the HDHomeRun set up in time, and missed the first 5 minutes or so of Pushing Daises. That's the show that got pushed off the DVR because The New Adventures of Old Christine and Bones were recording. Annoying. Hopefully I'll be able to record the rest of the shows, but then again, when would we have time to watch them all? Also didn't record Chuck from Monday, since it conflicted with How I Met Your Mother and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Good thing about Chuck is that it's replaying on Saturday night. Never got around to watching Privileged, so that got shoved off the DVR scheduled recordings. I did finally finish transcoding Kitchen Confidential though. The issue with Disc 2 was I think on one of the extras, so I wasn't worried about it. I do have lots of TV Shows I need to edit metadata on, episode titles, numbers, and so on. Just kind of putting that stuff off. Tracy made stuffed peppers for dinner, eaten while watching Grey's Anatomy. Mike and Amy stopped by after the game, to use the bathroom, and ask some questions. Headed out to a steak dinner with the boys tonight.