9:26 AM Friday, <November 4>, <2005>
Did my jury duty. Won't have to do that for a year. Not a bad day, got some reading done, did a little laptop work. Traffic was really bad heading out to the burbs, and I even left at 4pm. Took me 1:15 to get out there, from downtown. Crazy. Stupid gapers delay. But it was interesting to be going down the Stevenson Expressway with absolutely no cars going the other way. I'm guessing that's what it would be like during evacuations. Had a nice dinner with the Argaos, and watched some Arrested Development while Tracy found more songs to put on her iPod. Not sure what the weekend holds for me yet. Might head out to Woodstock, might stick around and try and make some headway on my projects (I was going to say unfinished projects, but since that pretty much applies to all of them, kind of unnecessary).