one foot in front of the other, one breath after the other.
stay within the flow of time, ride the current, watch and catch
before being caught in eddies, tributaries, watch for narrows,
watch for debris that builds on top of debris and causes flooding,
the backlog, the stoppage. white water rapids, class V, whatever,
waterfalls, movement is good, stagnant is bad, movement is good
even if you get beat, thrown against rocks, barely able to keep
head above water, because there's the knowledge, or more so the
hope, that somewhere down river, somewhere is a quiet spot,
a soft spot with a beach, where you can drag yourself out of the
river, onto the banks to rest. But gotta get there first.
So suck it up and deal, soldier on, persevere, buckle down, batten
down the hatches, grind it out. just keep the head above water.