mergers and acquisitions, globalization and internationalization, wow, really big and long words, but this trend, trending to consolidation, multinationals, super groups, big giant companies, big giant big brothers, oh, those things in japan, maybe archologies are right around the corner, but those, maybe it's the Keiretsu, or zaibatsu, those all in ones, i'd like some of those, but one stop shopping for goods, for services, like heaven for a brand whore like myself, but of course you'd lose something, unless they become patrons of the nimble, of the quick, of the matches in industry that flare and burn and strike fire in the most opportune times. but a trillion? i never thought i'd ever actually see that term used, without laughing, without parody, in a news story about J.P. Morgan, or was it J.T. Marlin buying Bank 1, which makes me wonder what's going to happen to my sony card which is switching from citibank over to bank 1, former bank 1, this quarter
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