9 minutes, the magical 9 minutes, 9 minutes the standard to turn remove the un from conciousness, to arise, awake, return to living, 9 minutes, not 10 or 8, but 3 times 3, 5400 seconds, and that's been deemed all that is necessary, all the time that must elapse to bring the soul back from dreamland, snapped back to the physical form, 9 minutes to come to terms that such bliss won't be returned to for 2/3rds of the day, that it will be long hours, before 9 minutes becomes way too short of a time. 9 minutes is a lifetime to others, 9 minutes to run 2 miles for some, 9 minutes to cook all sorts of things, 9 minutes to sing 2 or 3 or even more songs, depending on genre, like ska, or punk, or golden oldies. 9 minutes, oh, hudson hawk could give me a song that lasts 9 minutes, but 9 minutes, why so special?
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