too much, too many spices overload the tastebuds, too much light makes the baby go blind, too much overloads senses, and reduces the amazing to the ordinary, or, a flooding of the special reduces its potency, whereby value is inversely proportional to the amount of time spent with said object, or how many things actually appear, cause when you see something that's amazing, it's amazing, and when you see it again, it's great, and the next time and the next time, each time losing something, when it's never really changed, but jaded eyes and mind's memories plays tricks, filtered images, thoughts and feelings. diminishing returns. you gotta wonder if the truely wonderful and amazing things in life will aways bring joy and awe, that there are things that keep on giving, that some things keep looking fresh and new, no matter how many times you've seen it or experienced it. you gotta hope.
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