digital hub, wired hub, placed hub on desk, toys surrounding toys, but sleep beckons, tired, from running around, chasing plastic, chasing players, chasing dreams, chasing hopes, carrots on sticks, temptations of better play, longer hucks, better defense, stronger and different looks, more running, from a weekend away, where a team's destiny if fulfilled, a program reaches success, and 10 years sees the crowning of a worthy place of higher education, and tired still, sleep more, sleep now, but words to bless the screens of many, trepidation, such a good word, such a wacky place to be, apprehension, fear of the future, unsure of what the summer brings, what the fall brings, wondering what's in store, what it all means, and a missing application, and friends, friends, old and new, circles collapsing and filling in, expanding and growing, going round and round and round again
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