got nothing left, let go of it all, rationality doesn't work, emotions don't cut it, sanity and health are all that's left, and one went away, or goes periodically, healing, the power of making things right, and change, people and things change all the time, there is no such thing as changeless state, it cannot exist, because it does exist, but that plant in the corner, it looks nice. i wonder about what ifs, i wonder about hads, i remember, and i cherish, and scowl at the bad stuff, smile when the good stuff comes to mind, but no fires, no lightning from the sky, no nitro in this engine, but the world goes on, and it's definitely more than enough for some, and just the appetizer for others, but sometimes you fit and other times groups always form, particles always seek the lowest state, and particles in the same state tend to gather, it's a bose einstein liquid, or whatever, but it is
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]