it always comes back to love, the desire for it, the want, the need, the source, the stop, the damn and the flood, it's all there in love, the greatest of these is love, love is patient, love is kind, love is also luv, looks like olive. but it isn't, is it? what if love is just a fallacy, the greatest conspiracy of them all, something that is perpetuated, by writers, playrights, entertainers, artists, people supposedly reflecting life, but never, showing something that never happens to true, living, real life, red blooded people, that this human invention of love, that it doesn't exist except in the minds of those foolish enough to believe in it? what if it is just a big lie? well than call me a liar, call me a fool, call me stupid, cause I still believe
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]