the moon looks so far away compared to just a few days ago in a galaxy far far away from here, run away, far far away, to places unseen, and only dreamt of, of places that the blessed walk, that the unseen is seen, that which is impossible becomes real, becomes as commonplace as you and me, when tomorrow becomes today, the the truth gets written in the books as history, when the actions we take the next minute are to be studied years, decades, if records last that long, to days in the future, to places and beings, to love, and it always does come back to love, to be gifted and cursed with seeing the truth of love in a dream, to know if someone's right, to know the color of their eyes, to close the eyes and see them, to hear them, across the miles, is that it? i believe it is, i believe it is
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]