circles end, loop de loops, come to a close, the ring doesn't spin forever, the pain doesn't continue, it recedes into the night, the day, whichever it fears more, the sun or the moon, mistress of the dark, fearless chariot rider, time moves oh, time of your life, good riddence, and so it goes, but the world keeps on turning, and spinning, now digitally, even all digitally, how the analog brain turns everything to 1's and 0's only to bring it all back to be understood, reproductions, fakes, fabricated reality is only possible through a well defined medium, and the day goes on, lives are lived, and tall shoesales ladies sell shoes in corner shops, supermodels, superlives, superheros, and comic books continue on this american life, but only shorter now, with the end in sight
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]