Apple Computer has come back on the scene. The arrival of the G4 brings supercomputing to the masses. It makes me think, do the masses really need supercomputing power? What actual applications need that much processing power? If you consider the Internet, most processing of information takes place elsewhere, on big servers, supposedly, somewhere else, but not on your client machine. So what sort of complex calculations do you need GigaFlops for? Animation. User Interface, not UI, but fancy graphics, making things look nice. Wait, I just figured out where some of that processing power might go, to voice recognition software. You need raw power to do that, at least now a days. So what else? Games. Actual functional use? Or maybe it's just me that doesn't need this much power in a computer I use on a daily basis. I use my laptop as a glorified journal. It's a record keeper for me right now. A means of communication, to give information, to get information. I could probably do what I do on a 486, or even less. I could get away with using a palm pilot. Maybe with that old Mac SE my brother was nice enough to save from a dumpster. Or maybe I'll join the ranks and get my hands on a nice, pretty, G4 monster from Apple.
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