as per request I know this one girl from Kentucky,
who's overall generally plucky
  She plays disc all the time
  has a friend that likes to rhyme
her style of play is all hucky
There's this chick with blue hair you might know her
she's a forehand but no backhand type of thrower
  try to lay her out big
  she always go for the dig
and scream,'you shoulda' thrown it lower!
within her she's got so much life
her wit is as sharp as a knife
  lay off she might say
  have a drink by the bay
relax and let go of the strife
i over heard shell say 'Waht!?'
when she went by with a disc in her butt
  at the party she won
  and the night wasn't done
toward the beer she made another cut
Dedicated to one Shelly Peyton, Co-captain of the Northwestern Women's Ultimate Frisbee Team.
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