always comes out about the same time as daily dose, similar times, dissimilar topics, dissimilar ideas, dissimilarities, that's such a good word, remember that? remember this? experiences, life experiences, things you can share, wait, i remember one, ask me about australia, but at least my life is here, i'm still alive, i'm still breathing, i keep the number 25 in my thoughts for a future always, 25, 2002, two years plus end of world, next to millenium, perceptions on history always shaping perceptions of future, shaped by present realities, evolution of emotion, possibility? darwin's theory of only the strong survive, physically fit, physically stronger, emotionally fit? emotionally stronger? like those in early american colonies, world was shitty, death was a constant companion, those who couldn't take the mental anguish didn't, those that did survived, and lived, and procreated and spread healthier emotional souls throughout the land
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