greatness comes only from the selfish. when you think of yourself first, when you believe, crazily, that what you know, what you think, what you believe is better than everyone else, and work and strive and struggle to get everyone else to see that, it's the crazy ones that Apple's ad talks about. But really, it's the selfish ones. Well, except for Ghandi. But in business, in technology, in art? Maybe not so much art. Or maybe not greatness, but those leaps, those pushing the envelope, leaping over fences, stretching the bounds. Those are the selfish ones. Those are the ones that drive the innovation. And it's where america succeeds. Because Amurica is selfish. Because we, as a country, as a nation, believe in the self. Screw the social fabric, the society, get mine, my family's. But that is the engine. Socialism, communism, when you care for the society as a whole, when you take care of your own, where your own are your neighbors, your countrymen, you don't reach for the unknown. Make the US socialist, and what happens to all the tech advances? How much slower does the tech grow? How many more lives might have been saved vs. me being able to type this on a supercomputer in my living room, or reading it on a magical piece of glass sharing a global wireless data bank? all this because I never saw any tailgating in the left lane on the highways in Canada, everyone moved over when they saw a faster vehicle approaching from the rear. They didn't even wait for the approaching vehicle to catch up, they preemptively moved over. And what have I seen here in the US, almost immediately after crossing the border? A car, cruising along in the left lane, a line of cars behind it. Like night and day. And I wondered what, if anything, is a benefit of the US being so self centered and selfish in all things?
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