Lucy had her first day at day care. Only one crying episode at recess. But she came running to me when I came to pick her up. Looked like she was going to cry. But she didn't. Kept asking her how her day went, and if she had fun, made any friends. Took a 30 minute nap during the 2 hour nap window. I wonder what kind of thoughts go through her head, if they're the same ones I would have. Who are all these strange kids. Where's my parents? Where's grandma? Where's my binkies at nap time? No bath in the middle of the day? Are my parents ever coming back to get me? Where am I? She doesn't seem scared, so that's good. So she's probably at least more adventurous or outgoing than I am now. So will that help later? How is this affecting her developing personality? Or is it only reinforcing what's already there? Nature vs. Nurture? I look as the photos go by on the Apple TV, and I wonder what she remembers. All the different things she's seen already. There one day here, the week in Mexico, in Austin, all the little things. Snow? Does she remember snow, does she look forward to it? Does she understand the passing of time yet? The permanence of memory, she has some favorites, but are there other things she loves, that she only got to do once, but hasn't been able to tell us that she wants to do it again? I just really hope this is good for her. It'd have to happen eventually. Which got me thinking as to why the school year isn't actually a full year? Why summer vacation? Why not year round schooling? And thanks to Wikipedia, it's because kids were needed for the working on the farms in the summer. Interesting. But I hope she's having fun. I hope she's making friends. I hope she doesn't hate us for sending her to day care.
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