weather shifts, winter comes, later, earlier, no prediction possible, no trending continuing, and leaving the day, the big day, up in the air. what will it bring, what will it be like? cool, bright, sunshiny day? overcast and cloudy, grey, best spent curled up by a fireplace, any precipitation? does weather on your wedding day have any correlation to the future success or failure of your union? what sort of reports are available on this? There's got to be some government sponsored research on this somewhere, in this day's age of family values, all the research for marriages and weddings would be pushed through. never consulted a pychic, numerology, astrology, wonder what the stars are, come to think of it, what's her sign? looking it up... a scorpio/sagittarius, on the cusp, no idea what her birth time is. what does that mean? did we ever look it up? does it even matter? have to look anyway...
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