packrats, losing the pack, losing, not losing, letting go, removing, luggage, baggage, old things, carried things, things that should be forgotten, can't be afraid of delete, of disposal, of impermance, or ethereal beauty, of the chance that time will mar memories, that things removed have less meaning, impact, or value, that getting rid removes memories, but it doesn't, and things go away, they always have, and why fight it, why continue to put things in boxes for rainy days, replacement values, some pricesless, but sometimes you've got to say goodbye, so long, farewell, and go ahead and hit the delete key, and open up some storage space, and make room in the closet. and if there's anything that important, it will be found again, created again, researched again, and made known again. so just let go.
[about musings] ©1998-2024 [eric abando]
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