in response to Canaries: so i've read some feedback to this, and the outrage, but the post just wonders if these outliers, these very public figures, yet, leading edge type of guys, if they aren't signs of something, not that something is definitely coming, but just that maybe, just maybe, they know things the rest of us don't know or don't care for, until, well, the oxygen is gone or the mine's filled with gas. An early warning system. It's also possible that the canaries just died, without a possible gas leak, and that's all that it is. But if the envelop pushers are moving on, well, maybe there's a wave they've seen in the distance and they're just trying to catch it early. Me? I'm trying to switch over to a complete Mac OS X system, and trying to get rid of the Debian box I've been using for email since 1999.
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