technocrats, a whole nother nation state amongst themselves, one without borders, but with classes nonetheless, fed and feasting on information, polluting, digesting, creating and regurgitating, filtering data and packets and flow, packaging bits and bytes, and own agendas and plans. same but different, levels that flow, pockets of oil and shale and brittle, shifts of history from cores brought to the surface, higher than skyscrapers, bouncing off ionosphere, curved around horizons, events. don't fit, don't belong, don't follow standards, rules, traditions, making them up, forgetting those that don't apply, and changing, fluxing, flowing. rights, priviledges, honors and awards, cost benefit analysis and flow and ebb. so many levels, so incongruent, so obtuse, unaware of the other side, completely obscuring, torn, shifted and sheared apart, unable to hold, to be held together, the earthquake looms, the cataclysm comes.
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