wiretapping, fourth amendment, search and seizure, the right of the government to open anything within its bounds, the right of the government, the priviledge of the government, the allowance of the people that make up that government, that allows it to be, to establish. and again, the bits that make the whole, vs. the whole against the bits, the pieces of the puzzle has rights like large corporations, like lives, like souls, what would a simulation of the government be like? or a corporation for that matter? instead of trying to create artificial intelligence by mimicking humans, instead, jump to the next level, what a sea of human intelligence, the corpus of humanity, what that becomes, the next step, because that is almost like another person, outside of the people that make it up, yet couldn't exist without the people that do. so the government wants the ability to wiretap, to decode, in order for public safety, for national security. |