Archive of <October> <2001> [chronological]

4:26 PM Wednesday, October 31, 2001
So, lucky me, the reason for my late night was invalidated, as I just found out my homework, due in 6 minutes, has an extension for another 4 days or so. Go figure. Maybe reason enough to celebrate. Ace Combat 4 is in the mail, as is Shrek. I continue to eat Supreme personal pizzas for late lunches after work, and continue being unproductive having had no sleep at all. So maybe it's time to watch some movies on a friends' brand new 6.1 EX home theatre sound system. Hell yeah.
2:24 AM Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Sleep is for the weak. Midterms, homework, and catching up are much better uses of my limited time. Alias is such a good show. It reminds me of the X-Files, except it's like the Bond movies; spy stuff, sometimes it's the baddie of the week, othertimes, it's advancing the mythology of the series, the CIA, the SD-6, and that weird prophet guy's technology. Anyway, first time back to Omega's in a long time, and a good time. Almost done with Executive Orders. Monsters, Inc. and The One this weekend, sometime, hopefully, along with more homework and a takehome midterm. The fun just doesn't stop, does it?
10:58 PM Sunday, October 21, 2001
More homework, as always, and I am carless once again. Brought Puck in for some random spring recall, and lo and behold, I'm sort of missing a functional front driver side brake system. Hmmm, weird. So that's getting fixed, and I get to learn the intricacies of public transportation to University of Chicago from Addison. Should be fun. Midterms start this week. Yippee. I did get out and see Iron Monkey last night. Kickin' Ass. Crowd wasn't too into it though. Won't compare to the experience of seeing Rumble in the Bronx. Going home Tuesday on the train to pick up Puck.
11:51 AM Thursday, October 18, 2001
Wow, time management skills should grow on trees instead of sprouting forth from will and backbone. Anyway, been doing homework, and just started a part time job with the IS department of the University Lab Schools at University of Chicago. I get to fix macs all day. Pretty sweet. Watched the Phantom Menance on DVD the other day, too much good TV on Tuesdays, and a quick trip out to Woodstock tonight.
7:45 PM Friday, October 12, 2001
Let's see, how'd my week go? Dinner at Las Tablas on Tuesday, spent all day at UC on Thursday, kicked back and relaxed today. Cleaned up, finally got sendmail sending mail from my home Mac OSX boxes behind the firewall, set up a command line location manager script for the iBook, found out I can use my scanner under OSX, cleaned my desk up a little bit, and played a whole lot of Time Crisis II (The best is going 2 handed John Woo on it). Watched Die Hard II this afternoon, and get to try paintball for the first time tomorrow out in Joliet.
12:19 AM Tuesday, October 9, 2001
Ultimate season ended saturday afternoon when union crew lost to burn 11-9 on a failed layout bid d of mine straight up the field. They went on to take 4th in the tourney and had a shot at going to nationals. But instead, union crew ended up 10th, a spot down from last year, but well earned this year. So now I've got supposedly more time on my hands, at least on the weekends. And a long time between now and the start of the next season.
12:00 AM Thursday, October 4, 2001
Uggh, algorithms suck. Anyway, definitely getting back into the swing of being a student, pulling something like all nighters to finish up homework for a math class. Uggh. I'd forgotten how much that throws off the schedule for pretty much everything else. Finally got my mitts on OSX10.1, thanks Bryan. It's pretty sweet, except I'm having problems upgrading my cube, issues with my HD making weird noises during the target drive examination during the installation. Otherwise, pretty sweet, a nice unix based DVD player included.
Archive of <October> <2001> [chronological]