Archive of <January> <2014> [chronological]

7:40 AM Tuesday, January 21, 2014
No post in December. More than midway through January. You can probably already tell that posting more is not one of my New Year's resolutions. So, what's new? Jackson's doing well. Lucy's being a pretty good big sister. My parents have started watching Jackson, and bringing Lucy to school in the morning. They've been coming over instead of us dropping him off at their place. They even got a city sticker with residential permit for street parking. It's been great. It also means I'm at work for a full day. Which is a really long time. I just plowed through the entire series of Chuck, which was pretty enjoyable all the way through. Something about that show, about the way it ended, is just sticking to me. Not sure which show to binge watch next. Or maybe time to start reading again. Or maybe time to get back on the bike. Stopped riding back in October, and pants are starting to get a bit tight. And really going to try and learn Italian via Duolingo. And really going to try some iOS/OSX development. Will all that free time now that I have 2 kids. Also, we started seriously looking for a new home. In the city.
Archive of <January> <2014> [chronological]