9:34 AM Wednesday, <May 11>, <2005>
Watched TV last night, what else. Gilmore Girls and One Tree Hill. Looked good, but not that good. The best thing on HD last night? The Cubs game on Comcast Sports. That looked amazing. Being able to see the fans in the stands behind the batter, drinking their beer, eating their hot dogs, it's amazing. Editing out commercials on Veronica Mars's Season Finale was a little difficult trying not to see anything to give it away. But I managed. I'm only missing the 2nd episode. That's all. New version of EyeTV came out yesterday too, Tiger compatible. I'll install it after tonight's Lost and Alias get recorded. Didn't want to screw that up. Going to Brasserie Jo with Tracy tonight. Should be good. Looking forward to getting a French 75.