1:34 PM Monday, <January 5>, <2004>
Jack Frost finally made an appearance in Chicago and dumped some snow. So after Christmas and New Years, on the last night of Zoo Lights, it snows. A lot. It really feels like winter now. Makes me happy. Makes me happy that I don't have to drive. Makes me want to get my boots though, which I don't have. Anyway, weekend was good, sushi on Friday, pre wedding party and birthday beer in Andersonville on Saturday, and lots and lots of sleeping on Sunday. One look outside and it was back to bed. Back to the diner this morning, definitely good to be back. Only thing on the horizon is Vegas this weekend. I'm rather interested to see what Apple will be releasing tomorrow at Macworld, and I'll be reloading constantly, trying to figure it out. Or, maybe I'll try out IRC.