10:29 PM Sunday, <January 5>, <2003>
Day 5, or so, and while I think the head cold is on the tail end, I still wish it'd be gone. But soon enough. I managed to step out of the Condo for a little bit today, grocery shopping and carry out dinner, but otherwise spent the entire weekend on my couch, at the dinner table, or in front of the computer. So what did I accomplish? Went through my backlog of mail, and finally get around to some bills and stuff that need paying. Watched some movies, of course. I also might have managed to get some sort of photo viewing system up and running for this site, but I need to get some pictures up before releasing it to the public. Also did a little cleanup to some things, like being able to read through an entire year's entries at a single time. Anyway, Macworld keynote on Tuesday, should be exciting. Otherwise, just me trying to get healthy.