11:25 AM Tuesday, <September 2>, <2003>
Labor Day in Santa Cruz was pretty fun, even with the limited roster Kaze brought. We picked up a couple players, John and Mandy, Chad from South Lake Tahoe, and Whitney. While our win loss record wasn't that good, at 2-4, I thought we did fairly well, holding our own with what we had. We could argue for being Chumpions, as the team we were supposed to play bailed. Aside from the tourney, the weekend was good, except for the weather. I didn't know it got cold, downright chilly in Santa Cruz in the mornings and at night. But blue skies and sunshine when the fog eventually lifted. Managed a dip in the pacific, a corn dog on the boardwalk, and some more sand sculpting. Practice sometime this week, a track workout somewhere in there, and Tune Up this weekend. 1 of 3 tournament weekends in a row done. update 2:04pm I had completely forgotten about hanging out with Whitney and Company last thursday night, out at Piece, which was fun. A good time.