9:49 AM Tuesday, <February 18>, <2003>
The merry go 'round just doesn't stop. Tea & Strumpets did not play to seed this past weekend at WUFF Co-ed Nationals, and ended up 10th. Much fun was had by all though. Remember, no licking of rails. The Blizzard of 2003 had no real effect on travel back to Chicago, which went untouched. Oh yeah, birthday yesterday, spent travelling. Made dinner for Leah, using my birthday present knife to make Beef Burgundy with Herb Noodles and Spinach salad with Molten Chocolate Cakes for dessert. Yummm, almond flavored whip cream. Hair's back to black, birthday dinner with the family, including Al and Nicole back for a visit, out in the 'burbs tonight, Happy Birthday to my father. Woah, that sentence probably makes no sense at all.