8:46 AM Thursday, <February 6>, <2003>
I actually picked up Leah at the Airport monday night. Take that as you will. I finally got around to watching Groundhog Day a couple days late, not on February 2nd. But I got that movie/holiday in. Next up, Boondock Saints and St. Paddy's Day. Breakdancing was interesting, since Anacron our usual teacher was absent so our substitute, CJ, just started us out with handstands, headstands, and the crab stance. And today, my arms hurt, and my right elbow in particular. Leah came down and had sushi at Sai with me after class. Sushi, so good. I've got to head out to Woodstock for various administrative details, and hopefully back in early enough tomorrow to start prepping for Girls Night Out which I'm hosting.