11:10 PM Friday, <December 14>, <2018
Binge Mode. How I love thee. I'm currently listening to, I guess you'd call it a season, the Harry Potter Season of Binge Mode. And it's amazing. It's like a book club, but with experts? That are passionate fans? Either or both ways, it's great listening. I'm currently on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and just finished listening to the episodes regarding Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. But it's so nice listening. It's great learning about things I've missed, listening in on others poking fun at the same things. And hearing how much they feel about the characters, the stories, the tale. I wish they'd do it about all my favorite books. The first that comes to mind is Mistborn. Would love to see them tackle that one. Wild Cards might be another. Snow Crash, Neuromancer, Soon I Will Be Invincible. I wonder if any of those are a common shared interest between Mallory and Jason. I wonder what other television shows they have? Just so awesome.