5:00 PM Sunday, <August 5>, 2018>
I'm picking today as the anniversary of Daily Dose, even though the site wasn't actually publically available until August 17, 1998. Either way, twenty years is a long time. Started as hand coded html, copied and pasted posts from main, to older, to archive pages. Then moved into perl scripts moving posts around in html files locally before ftping updated site to a hosted account. Not sure if I can remember moving to a database structure using cgi-bin and perl still, or if I jumped directly to PHP. But pretty much been there ever since, technology wise. Content wise, started much like Twitter, short little posts, what I was doing, what I was planning on doing, getting to eat. More than a few a day even. Then fewer and fewer, but longer and longer, eventually daily, less than daily, and just barely monthly now. But moved to Memex for daily posting and recording of activity instead. So that might explain the lack of posting here. But still, there was a break from August 1999-July 2001, however, looks like I was doing Musings in the interim. I guess I missed the 20 year anniversary of Musings (which would have been January 13, 2018). But yeah, I've seen a lot of online life. Haven't necessarily contributed much to the online world, but I've been here for a while.