10:35 AM Tuesday, <May 30>, 2017>
Did Bike the Drive on Sunday. Late start, so only got on at Addison at 8:30 and made it down to Grant Park by 9. Hung out there for a bit, and by the time we wanted to head back out, they had closed the drive off. Biked around afterwards, went to Floriole for breakfast and pastries, then a couple playgrounds, before getting caught in the only 20 minute downpour of the day. Got a nap in with Jackson. Friday night went to dinner at Maple & Ash with Tracy as a belated anniversary dinner (thanks Mom and Dad for watching the kids). Then watched Logan at home, because the only available reservation was at 5, and we made it home while it was still light out. Saturday biked down to Pump It Up for Marcus's birthday party. Monday more biking, more playgrounds, and a trip to Oberweis.