12:32 PM Thursday, <May 25>, <2017>
Been thinking all week that the day was actually the next. So today, I thought was Friday. Also seems to be working in reverse. That yesterday was Thursday and not actually Wednesday. Either way, annoying. Decided to watch Alias from the beginning. Goes all the way back to 2001, before iPads and iPhones, so it's interesting. Also interesting to see the female empowerment that I must have not noticed or paid much attention too, but completely notice in this day and age. Also knowing the 5th season twist is interesting when watching from the beginning. Not to mention seeing Bradley Cooper in a supporting role on a TV show. Hoping the weather holds up for Bike the Drive on Sunday. At the same time, kinda hoping it rains because then I'll go out by myself without Tracy and the kids, and it would probably be pretty empty.