12:53 PM Friday, <February 10>, <2017>
Tried working a bit last night after everyone had gone to bed. Lasted maybe 30 minutes before I feel asleep on the couch. I just can't do it anymore. Which means I need to up my productivity during the day, because I can't count on pulling all nighters, or trying to get by on 4 hours of sleep. I'm almost 40. And I think my mid life crisis is going to be learning guitar. One of those things, going way back, I was kind of interested in? I just remember always wanting to play Mr.Wall's steel string acoustic hanging on the wall, while Chris played his electric. Never did get one, but thinking, maybe, it's time. Of course, we'll wait and see how long before it starts gathering dust, or gets horribly out of tune. But maybe, just maybe, it'll be something I can just relax with. Tried out Fooda at work today. Interesting. It's a pop up space which other restaurants take for the lunch break. Had Sweet Station Lincoln beef and broccoli. Not bad. Looking ahead it's Chick-fil-A next Thursday, so guessing it's going to be super busy then. Jackson's back at school with no issues. His first day back yesterday was a little rough, crying during drop off, a couple of accidents. But today drop off was smooth. Only has a residual cough and a slight body rash. I decided to move off Mail.app and onto Gmail, either iOS app or Fluid app for macOS. Also think I'm just going to forego trying to color match my fenders on the Miyata 610 and just put the silver ones on so I can start biking to work. I'll try and sneak that in this weekend.