Found out officially that Lucy is allergic to peanuts. Or at least peanut butter. That was a fun night in the hospital. Always assumed, but now it's official, and we get to carry around epi-pens. Got a house, well, what's officially a 3 unit building we'll be deconverting to a single family home. Long process, so not sure when we'll actually get to move in. Finally got some help in the office with a real systems administrator hire. Hopefully will mean we can get more stuff done, and not just keeping our head above water. Not really keeping track of activities/events, so don't have anything to look back on to know what else has been going on. So going to try and start this up again. We'll see, as usual. Jackson's starting solid food, well, more like non bottle food, since it really isn't that solid. Seams to like it. Was hoping to switch to something cheaper than Picturelife for photo management/archive/sharing, but currently that's the best available still. And since I paid annually through November, might as well keep using it. Of course, I might switch again if Apple comes out with a real Photo Stream that works for families.