1:20 AM Friday, <April 18>, <2014>
Webserver died a couple nights ago. Or actually, could have been even sooner. Or might not have actually died. I need to plug it into a monitor to see. It was the Mac mini (Mid 2007) running Debian. So reformatted and reinstalled Mavericks on Mac mini (Mid 2010) instead, and here we are. Good timing, because I had just set up BitTorrent Sync to sync all the files for backup as well as a true mysql backup job, so I had data from 4/16/2014. Hoping the hardware just died, and it's not getting hacked into constantly. Will have to wait and see how this one does. Pretty easy to get it all set up. I think anyway. Seemed to have a little issue getting PHP and MySQL up and running, and mcrypt for PHP installed as well. I put brew on it, but thinking I don't actually need it, and could have probably figured out a way around it. But it worked. Found out the web server was down because I wanted to actually do some work on it, mainly making the admin page for Daily Dose responsive by using Bootstrap, like the theme for the Memex is using. Maybe this weekend. And then maybe trying to use Bootstrap for Daily Dose itself as well, instead of the hack for mobile devices that I have now. But mostly back up and running. So that's good.