7:34 PM Saturday, <November 30>, <2013
Paternity leave/vacation is almost over. 1 day left. And then probably a mad rush at work because we're moving to Willis Tower in a week. Crazy. Absolutely crazy. Took my mom to the airport this morning. Thanks for helping these last 2 weeks. Thanksgiving was good, she came over, along with my in-laws, and that's it. The grandparents did all the cooking and the cleaning, so that was nice. So a pretty nice and quiet first thanksgiving for Jackson. He had his 2 week checkup today, all good. 8 lbs, 20 1/4" long, 14 1/8" head. Pretty in line with what Lucy was like. But he's starting to fill out the newborn clothes better. Almost don't need the newborn insert for the carseat too. He is beginning to show signs of favoring turning right while sleeping, so we need to start forcing left, just like Lucy too. Don't want him to have to wear a helmet. Finally updated storytlr to 1.2, and went ahead and did Memex up to MediaWiki 1.21.3. Surprisingly easy. On both accounts. No skin on Memex though. It looked bad. Will start looking into some responsive frameworks, because, why not? I should have plenty of free time on my hands, right? Work, 2 kids, and a wife? I've been sleeping on the couch since Jackson's taken my spot on the bed, and it's hard not to want to watch anything, since the TV's right there. I did watch Elysium the other day, which was pretty good. Started reading Inferno, the Dan Brown book. Read through some comics. Loving the iPad mini (2nd Generation).