5:22 PM Tuesday, <November 27>, <2012>
So much for the ShowPlace ICON. Next time, which will probably be for Catching Fire next November, we'll just go back to the Muvico. Much nicer. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 was alright, and the twist/change they made? Very well done, and completely fits. I liked it. Definitely added a lot. Actually better than the book. Saturday met with April for breakfast at 2 Sparrows. Ok this time around. I forgot what I had before, but this time I had the pork belly sandwich. Not sure if I had it before. Either way, didn't have to eat lunch. Went to Fox & Obel for dinner and shopping. Tracy's on the lookout for some burrata like she had at Gilt Bar. Sunday went out to a playground, then Noodles & Company, and Lucy kind of threw a tantrum while leaving, so had a screaming/crying child trying to get out of a stroller as we walked down the street. Awesome. Last night met up with the Cases at Rainforest Cafe. And now I understand why places like that exist, and why we'll be going to places like that in the future. Been cold. Didn't realize how cold it was this morning, which I guess is good. Also realize that I need to have a real coat at work. The warmest part of my body on bike rides? My hands thanks to the BarMitts. The coldest? My toes. Definitely need to figure out a better way to keep those warm. Also received another Kickstarter reward, a Supr Slim Wallet. It's actually pretty nice. Now thinking I should have gotten a white one to match my iPhone 4S, iPad and stuff. And besides RSS bankruptcy, I've declared the same for App.net and Twitter. I'm newsless now.