9:02 PM Tuesday, <October 2>, <2012
Got my invite to Simple last week. Waiting for my card to come in. Wondering if I should move to that full time, and instead of using a credit card, move to a debit card? But would have much better control over my spending. But then I lose, what I think, is free money through my iTunes Rewards program. But I'm paying for it with a crappy interface. It's intriguing, that's for sure. Just annoying because I see Tracy's Discover transactions show up almost real time in Mint, while my Barclay Card transactions show up in a batch days later. Maybe I'll just do lunch via Simple for a while, and then gradually move other things over. But that would entail reconfiguring direct deposits. Ugh. Involves some calculations. But probably best for me. Need to curtail my spending, although I think I'm done buying bike stuff for a long time. I should be set. Hopefully. Of course, winter's coming, and I think I have enough cold weather gear, but who knows if I need studded tires or not. Actually having a tough time dressing properly for the commute, either too cold like yesterday or too warm like this morning. Going to have to start packing leg sleeves, although, maybe I should get some knee warmers instead?