11:55 AM Friday, <November 11>, <2011>
I was waiting to see which one of us, Tracy or me, would drop and break their iPhone 4S first. Turns out to be Tracy. She dropped hers on the street yesterday, cracked the back glass panel. iPhone still works, so until it stops, probably won't get it replaced. Good thing I got AppleCare+ for them. Haven't been exercising, fell off the wagon after being sore for a week from the 5K I ran. Also been eating more, so I need to cut back on that as well. Got boxes piling up in the office that I need to break down. Lots of old toner to send back and get recycled. Snowed briefly yesterday. Supposed to get up to the 60's this weekend. Ah, Chicago weather. Finally got a new lens for the GF1, a Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 45mm f1.8. It's really quiet focusing. Looking forward to taking it out this weekend and seeing how it captures Lucy. Not sure what the plans are for the weekend, but probably hitting indoor Green City Market, and hopefully early enough since we're Market Members at The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum so Lucy can check some stuff out there. Also need to hit up Gymboree through our Groupon for open gym.