11:06 AM Friday, <November 5>, <2010>
Whole week? And I wasn't even updating the Memex daily entries either. Whoops. Been coming to work again all week, and for the foreseeable future, until we hire a new local sysadmin. Been nice having time to read on the commute, and not healthy but enjoyable eating out for breakfast and lunch. Sad I don't see Tracy as much or even Lucy. No time to feed her in the mornings, as it's get up, change, and out the door for Lucy. Then by the time I get home it's dinner and bed for the babes. But I get the day with her tomorrow, since Tracy's working. So that'll be fun. Still fighting this cold/flu/cough/bacterial/viral plague. Just seems like there's mucus in the sinus. Just not going away. I tried the nasal saline spray, and thought it was doing a good job, but then mucus started coming out the eyes in the mornings. I think gargling might work, so I'll try that some more this weekend. But Tracy's all better, except for an occasional cough. Same thing with Lucy. And my mom's all better too. I seem to be the only one with a compromised immune system. My iPhone 3GS is on the fritz, I'm guessing the drops, and Lucy eating it are probably not doing it any good. Sleep button and ringer switch isn't really working anymore. Just ordered the part to fix it hopefully, since I'm not eligible for upgrade pricing on the iPhone 4 until next February. Might make a good birthday present. I'm just saying.